Fraction of a reaction:
This collection came about during the first COVID-19 lockdown. In a time where reactions drove the colors and construction ideas behind this line in response to all the emotions we were all feeling then.
Photographers: Maha Alasaker, Naser Ashour, Shaheeyn & Yousif Abdulsiad
Styling: freelance hottie.
from nothingness production
A time of stillness, a monumental pivot point of our lives that splashed all our senses.
So on this campaign we collaborated and worked with a collective of 8 outstanding local artists that brought the power of harmony in human collaboration.
A power that made a vision come to life.
Feautred: artist Alymamah Alawadhi, architect Mai Albusairi and DJ Hassan *Cascou
Fraction of a reaction:
This collection came about during the first COVID-19 lockdown. In a time where reactions drove the colors and construction ideas behind this line in response to all the emotions we were all feeling then.
A time of stillness, a monumental pivot point of our lives that splashed all our senses.
So on this campaign we collaborated and worked with a collective of 8 outstanding local artists that brought the power of harmony in human collaboration.
A power that made a vision come to life.
Feautred: artist Alymamah Alawadhi, architect Mai Albusairi and DJ Hassan *Cascou
Photographers: Maha Alasaker, Naser Ashour, Shaheeyn & Yousif Abdulsiad
Styling: freelance hottie.
from nothingness production
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